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Partner with ICS

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
and in everyone it is the same God at work."

Partner with Us

At Immanuel Christian School we are committed to making our grace-based, quality academic education accessible to any student regardless of their family’s income.


Will you make it possible for an under-resourced student to attend ICS?

We could never do what we do without the generosity and sacrifice of time from our parent & community partners.


Cataloging in the library, correcting student workbooks, helping with after-school tutoring, and maintaining the school building and grounds are some of the work our volunteers do. Whether using gifts & talents to volunteer in these areas or elsewhere, our volunteers are a blessing to ICS.



When the body of Christ has everyone doing it's part, it is strong. 

1 Corinthians 12


Financial Partnership

Your financial partnership makes a difference as it helps carry out the calling God has given us to be a blessing to the greater Hazleton community.


Since our founding in 1979, Immanuel Christian School has made it a priority to provide an excellent education founded on Biblical principles. 


Faithful parents, alumni, staff, businesses, and organizations have partnered financially with ICS, as we invest in our students and educate and encourage them to live their lives with faith and obedience to God. 


Go to our Giving Page

Sponsor a Student

There are families in the greater Hazleton area, where private-school education is out of reach.


Half of our students are under or near the federal guidelines for free and reduced lunch (130-185% of the poverty level).


By receiving an average tuition discount of $2,000 or more, many families are able to send their students to Immanuel Christian School for approximately $250/month. And yet, for some families, this monthly payment is still not affordable.


Your gift allows us to offer a Christian education to students who might not have the opportunity for an education that is excellent in both spiritual development and academic quality. 

Visit Us!

We love showing the community what it is, exactly, that we do.


Give us a call!  You can set up a time to join us for lunch at school and see first-hand the great things happening at Immanuel Christian School.

ICS is a 501(c)3 organization and your contribution is tax-deductible. 

Thank you for partnering with us!

Partner Anchor


​Phone: (570) 459-1111

Fax: (570) 459-6920


Street Address

40 W. Hemlock St.

Hazleton, PA 18201


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 487

Hazleton, PA 18201

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© Copyright 2015–2025

Immanuel Christian School

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